Are the files open source?

Individuals are free to view and download images for their personal use, including for patient education and personal lectures. However, publication of any of the collection’s images is not allowed without our express written permission.

What device should I use for Retina Rocks?

The Retina Rocks web site can be viewed on all devices. A laptop or desktop screen, however, is preferred when browsing through the Image Library. This will let you best see the the image names and clinical information.

What if I find a mistake?

We’ve done our best to properly label and classify all images in the collection and include all key journal references. However, we are confident that there are many instances where we’re wrong or missed an article. Please contact us with any questions about diagnoses we’ve given or for any corrupted files that won’t open properly.

Can I contribute images to Retina Rocks?

Absolutely! We are looking for great examples of common entities or cases of rare disorders. Anything that you feel would help others better recognize or understand a disease or clinical findings is welcome. Sending us a case is easy. After you Sign in, click the Submit a Case link at the top and follow the easy steps to upload your images.