Reference Library

What is the Reference Library?

Keeping current with the retina literature for most is an ongoing effort in futility. New journals are constantly being introduced and current journals get thicker and thicker. Researching a topic on PUBMED doesn’t allow for spotting key references or for quickly digesting what’s new globally for a topic of interest. And remembering what you’ve read a few weeks later (or even after you’ve turned the page to the next article) is a struggle.

To address these concerns, every month we pull key clinical references from about 25 of the major ophthalmic and retinal journals (click here for journal list). Although we can’t provide the actual journal article PDF for obvious copyright issues, we provide a single line citation including a brief summary of the article’s main points. Our goal is not to be inclusive, but to capture all major clinically relevant references.

Please contact us if we’re missing any key references or if any reference is mis-summarized or cited.

How is the Reference Library integrated into the Image Library?

At the top of most of the Image Library folders is a ___References Word document that contains the annotated bibliography for that topic. Every month we file key articles into the appropriate Retina Rocks folder(s) and update this file. Key articles are located at the top of the list. This allows for a rapid snapshot and review of the literature when one is also looking through our multimedia images. Some seemingly unrelated references are included in any given folder to help with a differential diagnosis or to learn about similar findings found in other disorders.

Key Retina Journal Articles of the Month

Here is the current month’s snapshot of key retina journal articles (click on the thumbnails below to see a more magnified view of this month’s articles).

Archived Key Retina Articles of the Month

Here are the prior year’s monthly snapshot of key retina journal articles. These files are also located in the Image Library within _Key retina journal articles, located towards the top of the collection.